CLIMATE education, the educational project
It is in the nature of climate to change and change and to adapt.
Nowadays, scientists and climate experts observe a drastic change and acceleration of the climate’s rhythms. The overexploitation of natural resources, the abuse of fossil fuels and the pollution have led the climate to change more and more rapidly, reaching the point of jeopardizing the balance of the Planet.
The increase of the Earth’s average temperature is one of the first alarm, but not the only one: in this course you will discover causes, effects and consequences of climate change on ecosystems, wildlife and biodiversity.

How it works
The course offers interactive tools, online webinars and workshops.
The tool CLASSter is designed for helping teachers to guide a lesson in the classroom: the tools is divided in 2 fases, DISCOVER and EXPERIENCE.
The course continues with 5 webinars, alternating with 5 workshops:
webinars are designed for meeting experts, learning specific key-concepts, asking questions and solving doubts;
workshops helps students to analyze data and imputs, learn more about topics and be creative.